Hunger and thirst are always satisfied.

Prayer strikes the match of Revival. ARISE AND PRAY is a prayer movement created by U ARISE for college students and the people who love them. God is encountering this generation and raising up an army of students who are hungry to see Him revive their campus. 

history is made by prayer warriors

History has proven that prayer always precedes revival. Many of America’s greatest revivals began on college campuses. The Haystack Revival in 1806 gave way to the beginning of the greatest missions outreach in America. Before Charles Finney came to Rochester in 1830 and prayed in the greatest revival America has ever seen, Levi A. Ward, the 24-year old President of the newly formed Monroe County Bible Society was placing a Bible in every home in 1825. God is awakening a new generation to see his love poured out on campuses. 

40 Days of Prayer

In 2013, U ARISE began ARISE & PRAY 40 Days of Prayer for colleges and universities. Our prayer focuses on 40 topics that impact the lives of college and university students including depression, identity, loneliness, perfectionism, and stress management. Join us in prayer this August 21st as we come together in prayer for the next 40 days.


Want to start something beautiful?

We're always looking to partner with passionate followers of Jesus for 40 days of prayer! Whether you're a student or someone who loves them, you are here for a reason. Please fill out the form below and let's talk about the move of God that's coming to your campus!